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Location: Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Krishna Kathamrita Talks — Europe 2007

Krishna Kathamrita Talks — Europe 2007

Madhavananda Das will be traveling in Europe this summer giving classes and seminars. The following is his tentative itinerary. If you would like to organize some program at your home or center, or if you would like further information regarding times and places of tentative programs, please contact us at We will try to keep this page updated as more information becomes available.

11-16 May Budapest
18 May - 12 June Hungary/Italy/Scotland (?)
14 June Class in Berlin
15 June Class in Leipzig
16 June Home program in Germany
17 June Class at ISKCON Koln
19 June Home program in Germany
20-27 June Polish Festival of India Tour
29 June -1 July Snana Yatra/Seminar on Lord Jagannath at ISKCON Zurich
4-7 July Classes/seminars in Switzerland
8 July Classes at ISKCON Zurich
10-13 July Classes/seminar at Bern
14-16 July Bhaktivedanta Manor London or Zurich Ratha-yatra
16-23 July Budapest

Topics will include:

* Mathura Meets Vrindavan

* False Gurus, Institutions and the Holy Name

* How Gaura lila is Going on Today

* Culture of Respect

* The Secret Identity of Lord Jagannath

* The Esoteric Significance of Jagannath Puri

* Lord Shiva the Greatest Vaishnava

* Vaishnava Aparadha

* My Revered Spiritual Master (Srila Prabhupada's Position)

* The Secret of Gaura's Sannyasa lila

* The Process of Hearing

* Nityananda Prabhu the Lord of Mercy

* Characteristics and Types of Disciples

* Guru - Disciple Relationship

* Preaching Means Relishing

* Krishna is Actually the Son of Yasoda

* The Supreme Thief

* The Role of Forgiveness in Spiritual Life

* Krishna is Defeated by Love

* The Greed of the Lord - the Purpose of Gaura-avatara

* Nama-yajna


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