Gopaljiu News and Parikramas

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Location: Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India

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Friday, February 10, 2006

A Comment on Kapilas Tirtha

Deity of Garuda in front of the ancient temple of Lord Vishnu on top of the hill in Kapilas Tirtha

We recently got the following letter from Vrindavanesvari Dasi in Cuttack Orissa:

On this Sankranti, I went to the Kapilas tirtha. Many thanks to your site information, it helped me to comfortably find and visit the sacred places there. When I visited the Jagannantha temple there was having three days of continous nama sankirtana. They had made a small cottage in the middle out of wood/straw, banana and other leaves. There they were worshipping pictures of Nitai Gaura/Pancha tattva, and circumambulating it, while doing Hare Krishna Kirtana with mrdanga and kartalas. The devotees there are very helpful and joyful.

Above is a picture of the Jagannath Mandira she is talking about

Here is a picture of one of the young sadhus at the Jagannath Mandir